22 October 2024 - Council Business
New Website Launched
This is an example new story showing how great-looking local news can be published and shared. News items are grouped into Topics which visitors can use to find themes of news stories.
This site enables you to catch up on how your Parish Council is serving you. These pages include all the minutes of Parish Council Meetings. If there is anything that you feel the Council should be aware of or where it can help or support you, then please contact the Parish Council.
There are currently no scheduled meetings
This is an example new story showing how great-looking local news can be published and shared. News items are grouped into Topics which visitors can use to find themes of news stories.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that due to the resignation of Russell Brown, a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of councillor for the above-named Parish.
See the most recent full council meetings including agendas, minutes and supporting documents
Find documents published by the council, including financial accounts.
Find documents published by the council, including data policies, statutory documents and more.
Discover the services that we provide to residents, as well as signposting to local groups, societies and local events.
Submit issues to the relevant local authority, such as potholes, missed bin collections and more.